Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

the beatles - here there and everywhere

To lead a better life I need my love to be here...

Here, making each day of the year
Changing my life with a wave of her hand
Nobody can deny that there's something there

There, running my hands through her hair
Both of us thinking how good it can be
Someone is speaking but she doesn't know he's there

I want her everywhere and if she's beside me
I know I need never care
But to love her is to need her everywhere
Knowing that love is to share

Each one believing that love never dies
Watching her eyes and
hoping I'm always there

I want her everywhere and if she's beside me
I know I need never care
But to love her is to need her everywhere
Knowing that love is to share

Each one believing that love never dies
Watching her eyes and hoping I'm always there

To be there and everywhere
Here, there and everywhere

Eits jatuh cintaaa saya sama lagu ini waaaahahahaha 
coba dengerin deh. lagu lagu selow mellow gini paling 
pas kalo di dengerin bareng sama sang pujaan hati  
*sayangnya gapunya haduuuh nasib deh jadi jomblo.  
but however lagu ini bikin gue ngerasa asik, ringan dan mempunyai arti.

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010


I don't want to see your face again !
even I do mss you so

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

titipan tugas

Sometimes, kamu suka ngerasa terganggu dengan icons-icons atau data data yang kamu simpan di desktop. Cara mudah buat nge'bersihin'nya adalah pindahin semua data di desktop kamu ke my document. Tapiii ribet yee kalo mau buka data harus di cari-cari dulu. Pasti lama -__-" dan membosankan pastinyaa cape belom di cari udah males yahkan ?
Nah ini ada cara yang lebih simple. mau tau caranya ? follow me
tinggal klik kanan lalu pilih Arrange icons by terus di ke tiga dari bawah ada tulisan show desktop icons. Nah ada tanda centang gitu kan di samping kata 'show'nya, tanda itu di klik/ di tiadakan. Baru deh destop kamu bersiiih dari data-data dan kalo kamu mau nampilin lagi data-data yang di hide tadi, silahkan di ulangi cara diatas.

Monggo dicoba :D

ps : cara di atas hanya untuk window xp tidak untuk vista

To Love Somebody by the bee gee's

There's a light
A certain kind of light
That never shone on me
I want my life to be lived with you
Lived with you
There's a way everybody say
To do each and every little thing
But what does it bring
If I ain't got you, ain't got

You don't know what it's like, baby
You don't know what it's like
To love somebody
To love somebody
To love somebody
The way I love you

In my brain
I see your face again
I know my frame of mind
You ain't got to be so blind
And I'm blind, so very blind
I'm a man
Can't you see what I am?
I live and breathe for you
But what good does it do
If I ain't got you, ain't got you, baby